Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Guizhou Government Scholarship for Southeast Asia 2017 (Beasiswa Cina)

Batas akhir pendaftaran adalah 30 Juni 2017

背景 Background

贵州省人民政府于 2013 年启动贵州省外国留学生奖学金,吸引了来自东盟、欧美、亚非等地区各国留学生来 到多彩贵州学习深造,帮助他们实现教育职业梦。2017 年,贵州省外国留学生奖学金包含 4 个项目:优秀来 黔留学生奖学金、黔老留学生奖学金、2017 贵州省东南亚奖学金、贵州省中国-东盟海上丝绸之路奖学金。 

Guizhou Government Scholarship (GGS) was established in 2013 by Guizhou Provincial People’s Government. GGS has attracted excellent students from Asia, especially ASEAN countries, Europe, America, and Africa to study in Guizhou, providing opportunities for them to pursue study and achieve their career dream. In 2017, Guizhou Government Scholarship supports 4 programs: Guizhou Universities Program, Laos-Guizhou Scholarship, Guizhou Government Scholarship for Southeast Asia 2017 and Guizhou China-ASEAN Maritime Silk Road Scholarship.

贵州省东南亚奖学金是根据我省与东南亚教育部长组织(SEAMEO)达成的合作共识由贵州省教育厅和贵州高 校联合向东南亚国家留学生提供全额奖学金或部分奖学金。此项目可招收博士生、硕士生、本科生、专科生 和进修生。申请人应向承担此项目的贵州高校提出申请。

Guizhou Government Scholarship for Southeast Asia includes full scholarship and partial scholarship according to the consensus between SEAMEO and Guizhou Province to recruit outstanding Southeast Asian students. It supports doctoral programs, master’s programs, undergraduate programs, vocational education programs, and general scholar programs. Applicants shall submit application to the designated Guizhou universities.

奖学金标准和名额 Standards and Number of Scholarships

 奖学金标准由奖学金院校制定,全额奖学金一般免除学费、住宿费、保险费等,部分奖学金一般提供一定数 额奖励。具体奖学金标准请咨询各校联系人。 

The standards of the scholarships are regulated by the designated Guizhou universities. In general, the full scholarships cover the fee for tuition, on-campus dormitory accommodation, comprehensive medical insurance and protection scheme etc, and the partial scholarships provide specific amount of reward. Please consult the designated Guizhou universities for specific standards of the scholarships.

2017 贵州省东南亚奖学金由 18 所贵州高校面向东南亚国家提供 1028 个奖学金名额,其中含 21 个博士生、 115 个硕士生、439 个本科生、220 个专科生、233 个进修生。各校奖学金名额请咨询联系人。 

Guizhou Government Scholarship for Southeast Asia 2017 will provide 1028 scholarships for the Southeast Asian students, including 21 doctoral programs, 115 master’s programs, 439 bachelor programs, 220 vocational education programs and 233 general scholar programs.

项目院校、联系方式、奖学金类别 Contact Information and Scholarship Categories

招生专业 Fields of Studies and Majors 


Please visit “Study in Guizhou” or consult the designated Guizhou universities for the information about the fields of studies and majors of the scholarships.

申请流程 Application Procedure 

(1)请登录“来黔留学网”(查阅各项奖学金申请办法和贵州高校详细信息,向贵州高校咨 询申请办法 

Please visit “Study in Guizhou” for information of the scholarships and Guizhou universities, and consult the designated Guizhou universities how to apply the scholarship; 


Please submit the application documents listed below to the designated Guizhou universities before deadline; 


The designated Guizhou universities will inform applicants of the result. 

申请时间 Application Deadline 

申请人应在 2017 年 6 月 30 日前向各奖学金院校提出申请。 

Applicants should submit the application documents to the designated Guizhou universities before June 30, 2017.

申请条件 Eligibility

申请人须拥有外国国籍、持有外国护照,身体健康,对华友好;遵守中国政府的法律法规,遵守学校的规章 制度;学习成绩优良,综合表现突出。

The applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, hold foreign passport, be in good health and friendly to China, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, and obey school rules and regulations. In addition, excellent academic performance and above standard quality are expected from applicants.

 博士生:须具有硕士毕业以上学历,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过 45 周岁。 

The applicants must be a master’s degree holder under the age of 45 when applying for doctoral programs and be excellent in academic performance;

 硕士生:须具有大学毕业以上学历,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过 35 周岁。

The applicants must be a bachelor degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for master’s programs and be excellent in academic performance; 

本科生、专科生:须具有高中毕业以上学历,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过 30 周岁。

The applicants must be senior high school graduate under the age of 30 when applying for undergraduate or associate degrees and be excellent in academic performance; 

进修生:分为汉语进修生和专业进修生,年龄一般不超过 50 周岁,在黔进修时长原则上须为 1 年以上。其中, 汉语进修生奖学金申请人须具有高中毕业以上学历;专业进修生奖学金申请人须具有相当于大学本科毕业的 学历或应为大学二年级及以上在校学生,进修专业须与本人所学专业或工作领域相关。 

General Scholar programs include Chinese language programs and visiting scholar programs. The applicants shall be under the age of 50 and will study in Guizhou for more than 1 year. For Chinese language learners, senior high school and above education background is required; for visiting scholars, the applicants must be at least a university graduate or enrolled university sophomore or higher, and will study in related fields of study. 

申请人的语言水平要求,以各高等学校的学习专业要求为准,由学校按有关规定执行。部分直接用英语授课 的专业可适当放宽条件。 

Language proficiency level is subject to receiving universities. English-instructing majors might lower entry requirements on Chinese language. 


The applicant who is already sponsored by Chinese Government Scholarships will not be eligible for Guizhou Government Scholarship. 


Please contact the liaisons of the designated Guizhou universities for detaied information about admission requirements. 

申请材料 Application Documents 


Guizhou Government Scholarship Application Form (filled in Chinese or English); 

(2) 个人护照复印件 

Passport photocopy; 

(3) 最高学历、学位证明(如毕业证书等)复印件 

Highest degree, diploma, certificates photocopy; 

(4) 就读学校出具的在校成绩、表现评价复印件 

Academic transcripts photocopy; 

(5) 外国人体格检查证明复印件 

Physical examination certificate photocopy; 

(6) 两位教授或副教授推荐信(博士生、硕士生、专业进修生申请人提供)

Applicants of Doctoral Programs, Master’s Programs or Visiting Scholar Programs should submit 2 recommendation letters from professors or associate professors; 

(7) 攻读硕士、博士学位的申请者应提供学习计划(不少于 400 字)或研究计划(不少于 800 字)

Study Plan (no less than 400 words) or Research Plan (no less than 800 words) must be submitted for Doctoral or Master’s degree program applicants; 

(8) 在华法定监护人相关法律文件复印件(年龄不满18周岁的申请人提供)

Applicants under the age of 18 must submit the valid documents photocopy of their legal guardians in China; 

(9) 执行校际交流协议的申请人,需提供协议复印件

 Applicants under intercollegiate exchange program should enclose the agreement copy; 

(10) 如已获 HSK 成绩报告,请附在申请材料中

 Applicants with HSK Certificate should enclose its photocopy in the application package; 

(11) 申请材料已经提交,不予退回 

Application Documents will not be returned once submitted;

(12) 上述申请材料若为非汉语或英语,请翻译成汉语或英语 

Documents in language other than Chinese or English must be attached with translation in Chinese or English.


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